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Colour Meanings

What do the colors of your candle symbolise?

White - Clarity

White - Clarity Protection, purification, all purposes. White contains all colours. It's linked with the moon. White candles are specifically burned for clarity and peace of mind. If you're to keep but one candle on hand for magical purposes, choose a white one.

Red - Passion

Red - Passion Used to bind and strengthen relationships. Enhances sexual drive. This is the element of fire.

Yellow - Justice

Yellow - Justice Used to help in legal matters. Also help to stimulate your conscious mind. Light candle and let it burn while you study.

Black - Karma

Black - Karma Karma, releases and banishes negativity. Burned for positive purposes such as casting out negative influences and absorbing negative energies.

Blue - Mood

Blue - Mood Anxiety, depression. Helps with mental strength, calmness, positive mood, harmony within ourselves.

Green - Prosperity

Green - Prosperity Money, prosperity, employment, healing, growth. Green is the colour of the element earth. Burn when looking for a job or seeking a much needed raise.

Orange - Health

Orange - Health Health. Burned for wellness, health and fertility. Used for encouragement and celebration.

Purple - Spirituality

Purple - Spirituality Power, spirituality, meditation, religion. Purple candles can be burned to enhance all spiritual activities, to increase your magical power, and as part of intense healing rituals in combination with blue candles.

Pink - New Love

Pink - New Love Used for bringing new love for those wanting to be in a relationship. Also to bring in new friends and to improve self-love.

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